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Nationalidad: Argentina.
Nacido en Buenos Aires, 13 de marzo 1948. Académico correspondiente con residencia en
Nueva York.
Miembro de PEN Canada
Miembro de The Canadian Writers' Union
Miembro de The Canadian Association of Literary Translators
Miembro de la Fundación Guggenheim (EE UU)
"Permanent Patron" de PEN UK Free the Word
Miembro permanente de la Chambre Nationale des Experts Spécialisés en Objets d’Art et de Collection, Paris, Francia
Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, Reino Unido
Miembro de número de la Academia Argentina de Letras
Presidente del Comité scientifique et cuturel de la Bibliothèque Humaniste de Sélestat, France
Idiomas: Castellano, inglés, francés, alemán, italiano
Premios y títulos:
Doctor Honoris Causa, York University (Canada, 2015)
Doctor Honoris Causa, University of Ottawa (Canada, 2015)
Commandeur de l'Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (Francia, 2014)
Doctor Honoris Causa, Anglia Ruskin University (Cambridge 2009)
Milovan Vidakovic Prize (Serbia, 2008)
Doctor Honoris Causa, Université de Liège (Bélgica, 2007)
Medalla al Mérito Ciudad de Buenos Aires (Argentina, 2007)
Premio Garzani Cavour, essay (Italia, 2007)
Prix Roger Caillois, (France, 2004)
Fellow of the S. Fischer Stiftung (Germany, 2004-2005)
Fellow of the Simon Guggenheim Foundation (USA, 2004)
Prix Poitou-Charentes for Chez Borges (France, 2004)
Premio Germán Sánchez Ruipérez for best literary criticism. Spain, 2002
Prix France Culture, France 2000, for Dans la forêt du miroir (2000)
Prix Médicis Essai, France 1998, for Une Histoire de la lecture (1998)
Logos Prize, Paris, Special Mention for Une Histoire de la lecture (1998)
Harbourfront 1992 Award for Contribution to the Arts
Canadian Writers' Association Award (Fiction) 1992
McKitterick First Novel Award (UK) 1992
Lewis Gallantière Translation Prize (honourable mention), American Translators Association, for Nouvelles orientales by Marguerite Yourcenar, 1986.
Premio "La Nación" cuentos, compartido con Bernardo Schiavetta, Bs As, 1971.
Oficial de la Órden de Canadá, 2018
Premio Gutenberg, 2018
Premio Alfonso Reyes, 2017
Premio Formentor, 2017
Carrera (académica y literaria):
Director de la Biblioteca Nacional "Mariano Moreno" (2016-2018)
Director del Festival "Atlantide", Nantes, Francia (2012-2017)
Director del Festival "L'altra metà della pagina", Génova, Italia (2012-2016)
Visiting Professor, Princeton University, EE. UU. (2016)
Visiting Professor, Columbia University, EE. UU. (2016)
Lecturer on Dante, 92Y, New York (2016)
Visiting Professor, McGill University, Canada. (2014)
Inaugural Roberston Davies Lecturer, Kingston Literary Festival, Canada (2013)
Raymond Klibansky Lecturer, McGill University, Montreal (2013)
Rosenbach Lecturer, University of Pennsylvania, 2011
Cátedra Dante, BIblioteca Classense, Ravenna, Italy, 2009-2011
Massey Lecturer, Canada, 2007
Cátedra Cortázar, Universidad de Guadalajara, 2007
S. Fischer Professor, Freie Universität, Berlin 2003
Pratt Lecturer, Memorial University, St John's, Nfld., 2003
Lecturer, "Exile & Migration" Seminar, Boston University, June 1999
Markin-Flanagan Distinguished Visiting Writer at the Univ. of Calgary, 1998-99
Times Literary Supplement lecturer 1997
Canadian Literature Seminar (Head), University of Urbino, Italy, 1997
Canadian Literature Seminar (Head), University of Venice, Italy, 1995
Maclean-Hunter Arts Journalism Program (Head), Banff Centre for the Arts, Canada, 1992--1996
Artistic advisor, Guthrie Theatre, Minneapolis, 1992-1994
Contributing Editor, Grand Street, New York, 1991--1993
Contributing Editor, Saturday Night, Toronto, 1988--1996
Literary Critic, The Journal, CBC TV, Toronto, Canada,1987-88
"History of Reading" Seminar (Head), Simon Fraser, BC, 1988
Contemporary Reading Group (Head), McGill Club, Toronto, 1986-89
Contemporary Literature Seminar (Head), Earl Haig High School, North York, 1987
Drama Critic, "State of the Arts", CBC Radio, Toronto, 1985-88
"Fantastic Literature" Seminar (Head), York University, Canada, 1983-86
Crítico literario, "Morningside", CBC Radio, Toronto, 1983-86
Crítico teatral, "CBLT Morning", CBC TV, Toronto, 1984-86
Editor, Les Éditions du Pacifique, Tahiti,1980-82
Editor, Ram Publishing Company, Inglaterra, 1978-80
Editor, Les Éditions du Pacifique, Paris,1976-77
Editor, Les Éditions du Pacifique, Tahiti,1975-76
Editor, Franco Maria Ricci editore, Milan, Italia, 1973-74
Periodista, "La Nación", Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1972-73
Lector, Calder & Boyars, Londres, Inglaterra, 1971
Lector, Gallimard, Les Lettres Nouvelles, Denoël, Paris,1969-70
Editor, Editorial Galerna, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1967-69
Librero, Librería Pigmalión, Buenos Aires, Argentina,1966-67
Jurados literarios:
Presidente permanente del Premio García Márquez de cuento, Colombia
Jurado permanente Premio Von Rezzori-Firenze
Jurado Premio FIL, Guadalajara, México, 2015, 2016
Jurado Premio Clarín, Buenos Aires, 2007-2009
Presidente Prix Cevennes Roman Européen, 2007-2010
Jurado Maison des écrivains et traducteurs, St.-Nazaire, 2007-2015
Jurado Premio Tusquets, Mexico-Spain, 2005-6
Jurado International ManBooker Prize, 2004-5
Jurado, Berlin International Festival, 2003
Jurado, Civitella Ranieri Centre, Italy, 1995-97
-- Mientras embalo mi biblioteca
- Alianza, 2017
-- Curiosidad: una historia natural
- Alianza editorial, 2015
- Almadía, 2015
-- Personajes Imaginarios
(con ilustraciones originales de Antonio Seguí)
- Museo del libro, 2012
-- El sueño del Rey Rojo
- Alianza editorial, 2012
-- La ciudad de las palabras
- RBA 2010
- Almadía 2011
-- Conversaciones con un amigo
- La Compañía, 2010
-- Las aventuras del Niño Jesús
- RBA 2007
- Emecé, 2007
-- La biblioteca de noche
- Alianza 2006
-- El legado de Homero
- Debate, 2006
-- Nuevo elogio de la locura
- Lumen 2006
- Emecé 2006
-- La novia de Frankenstein
- Gedisa 2005
-- El Libro de los elogios
- Universidad Vercruzana, 2004
-- Vicios solitarios
- Fundación G. Sánchez-Ruipérez, 2004
-- Diario de lecturas
- Alianza editorial, 2004
- Norma, 2004
--Con Borges
- Alianza editorial, 2004
- Norma, 2004
--Leyendo imágenes
- Alianza editorial 2002
- Norma, 2002
-- En el bosque del esepjo
- Alianza editorial, 2000
- Norma, 2000
--Guía de lugares imaginarios (con Gianni Guadalupi)
- Alianza editorial, 1993
-- Breve guía de lugares imaginarios,
- Alianza, 2000
--Una Historia de la lectura
- Alianza editorial, 1997
- Norma, 1999
- Lumen (en color) 2005
-- Todos los hombres son mentirosos
- RBA 2008
-- El amante extremadamente puntilloso
- Brughera 2006
-- El regreso
- Brughera 2005
- Emecé 2005
--Stevenson bajo las palmeras
- Alianza editorial, 2004
- Norma, 2004
--Noticias del extranjero
- Como La Puerta de Marfil, Anaya/Muchnik, Madrid, 1993
- Como Noticias del extranjero, Alianza editorial 2003
- Norma, 2003
Antologías y ediciones prologadas en castellano:
-- Platón, La República, Alianza editorial, 2011
-- Séneca, Sobre el ocio, Alianza editorial, 2011
--Horacio Quiroga, Anaconda, Alcalá 2010
-- Cees Nooteboom, En las montañas de Holanda, Siruela, 2009
-- Max, Hipnotopia, Sa Nostra, 2008
-- Rudyard Kipling, Relatos, Acantilado, 2008
-- Mary Shelley, Frankenstein, Mondadori 2006
-- H. G. Wells, Los ojos de Henderson, Atalanta, 2006
-- Robert Burton, Anatomía de la melancolía, Alianza editorial, 2006
-- R. L. Stevenson, Memoria para el olvido, Siruela, 2005
-- G. K. Chesterton, Correr tras el propio sombrero, Acantilado, 2005
-- Julio Cortázar, Animalia, Porrúa y Co. 2005
-- Jabbar Yassin Hussin, El lector de Bagdad, Siruela 2004
-- Jacob de Voragine, La leyenda dorada, Alianza editorial, 2004
--Marco Denevi, Ceremonias secretas, Alianza editorial 2000
-- Aguas negras, Alianza editorial 2000
-- Las puertas del paraíso editorial 2000
--Antología de la Literatura Fantástica Argentina: Narradores del Siglo XX, Editorial
Kapelusz, Buenos Aires, 1973.
--Variaciones sobre un tema policial, Editorial Galerna, Buenos Aires, 1968
--Variaciones sobre un tema de Durero, Editorial Galerna, Buenos Aires, 1968.
-- Packing My Library, Yale University Press, 2017
-- Curiosity, Yale University Press, 2015
-- The Traveller, the Tower and the Worm: The Reader as Metaphor, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013
-- A Reader on Reading, Yale University Press, 2010
-- The Library at Night,
- Knopf, Toronto, 2006
- Yale University Press, 2009
-- The Wonderful World of Toys, Thames & Hudson, London, 2006
-- A Reading Diary,
- Knopf Canada, 2004
- Farrar Straus, New York, 2004
--With Borges , Thomas Allen, Toronto, 2004.
--Reading Pictures,
- Knopf, Canada, 1999
- Random House, New York, 2000
- Bloomsbury, London, 2000
-- Into the Looking-Glass Wood,
- Knopf, Canada, 1998
- Bloomsbury, London, 1999
- Harcourt Brace, New York, 1999
-- Bride of Frankenstein, British Film Institute, London, 1997
--A History of Reading,
- Knopf Canada, Toronto, 1996
- Harper/Collins, London, 1996
- Viking/Penguin, New York, 1996
--The Dictionary of Imaginary Places (with Gianni Guadalupi),
- Lester & Orpen Dennys, Toronto, 1980. (rev. edition, 1987).
- Macmillan, New York, 1980.
- Granada, London, 1980.
--All Men Are Liars, (trad. Amanda France)
- Alma Books, London, 2010
- Penguin/Riverside, 2011
--Stevenson Under the Palm Trees ,
- Thomas Allen, Toronto, 2004.
- Grove Press, New York, 2005
- Canongate, Edinburgh & London, 2004
--News From A Foreign Country Came ,
- Lester & Orpen Dennys, Toronto, 1991.
- Clarkson Potter, New York, 1991
- Harper/Collins, London, 1991
--The Kipling Play, 1983, The Necessary Angel Theatre Company (Toronto),workshopped by Richard Rose; The Stratford Festival, Stratford, Ontario, 1985, workshopped by Richard Rose. Extracts publ. in Descant No. 58, October 1987, Toronto.
-- A Return, opera, music by Oscar Strasnoy.
Première, Festival d’Aix-en-Provence, July 2010
--Six Songs for the Disquiet Traveller, music by Oscar Strasnoy. Première: Wigmore Hall,
London, October 9 2004.
--The Storyteller, CBC radio, 1992
--Faire un voyage, France Culture, Paris, 1972
--Voodoo Taxi (with Dany Laferrière), CBC TV, Inside Stories, 1991
--Reunion, CBC TV, Inside Stories, 1989
--Black Water: The Anthology of Fantastic Literature,
- Lester & O. Dennys, Toronto, 1983.
- Picador, London, 1983.
- Clarkson N.Potter, New York, 1984
--Dark Arrows: Chronicles of Revenge,
- Penguin Books, Toronto & London, 1985.
- Clarkson N.Potter, New York, 1987
--Other Fires: Fiction by Latin American Women,
- Lester & O. Dennys, Toronto, 1986.
- Picador, London, 1986.
- Clarkson N.Potter, New York, 1986.
--Evening Games: Chronicles of Parents and Children,
- Penguin Books, London, 1986.
- Clarkson N.Potter, New York, 1986
--The Oxford Book of Canadian Ghost Stories, Oxford University Press, Toronto, 1990.
--Seasons (Anthology of children's poetry, illustrated by A. Wanabe) Doubleday, Toronto & New York, 1990
--Soho Square III (Annual anthology) Bloomsbury, London, 1990.
--Black Water II: More Fantastic Literature,
- Lester & Orpen Dennys, Toronto, 1990.
- Clarkson Potter, New York, 1990.
- Picador, London, 1991
--Canadian Mystery Stories, Oxford University Press, Toronto, 1991
--The Gates of Paradise: The Anthology of Erotic Short Fiction,
- MW & R, Toronto, 1993
- Clarkson Potter, New York, 1993
- Harper/Collins, London, 1993
--The Second Gates of Paradise: The Anthology of Erotic Fiction, M W & R, Toronto, 1994
--Meanwhile, In Another Part of the Forest: Gay Short Fiction from Alice Munro to Yukio Mishima, (with Craig Stephenson),
- Knopf Canada, Toronto, 1994
- Clarkson Potter, New York, 1994
- Harper/Collins, London, 1994
--Lost Words, (with Craig Stephenson), Index on Censorship, London, 1996
--Why Are You Telling Me This? A Selection of Essays Written at the Maclean Hunter Arts Journalism Programme at Banff, Banff Arts Centre Press, 1997
-- Mothers and Daughters, Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 1998
-- Fathers and Sons, Chronicle Books, San Francisco, 1998
--The Ark in the Garden: New Fables For Our Time, Mac., Walter & Ross, Toronto, 1998
--By the Light of the Glow-worm's Lamp: A Book of Nature Writing, Plenum Publishing, New York, 1998
-- God's Spies: Chronicles of Dictatorships, Macfarlane, Walter & Ross, Toronto, 1999
-- The Penguin Book of Christmas Stories, Penguin Books, Toronto, 2005
-- The Penguin Book of Summer Stories, Penguin Books, Toronto, 2007
Artículos publicados en:
Threepenny Review, New York; Parnassus, New York; CN Review, London; El País, Madrid; La Vanguardia, Barcelona; Le Monde, Paris; Le Courier de l’Unesco, Paris; Matador, Madrid; Theodore Balmoral, Orleans; Nouvelle Revue Française, Paris; La Revue des Deux Mondes, Paris; Nexus, Netherlands; The Partisan Revue, New York; The American Scholar, Boston; Exit, Madrid; Sinn und Form, Berlin; Lettre Internationale, Berlin; Lettre Internationale, Milan; Lettre Internationale, Madrid; L’Actualité Poitou-Charentes, Poitiers; Atlas, Istanbul; P Art, Istanbul; Revue Fondation Cartier, Paris;The Guardian, London; The London Review of Books, London; The Times Literary Supplement, London; The Sunday Times, London;The Observer, London; The Independent, London; The Independent on Sunday, London; Index on Censorship, London; Spectator, London; Islands Magazine, Santa Barbara; Food & Wine, New York; Air Canada Magazine, Montreal; L'Alsace, Strasbourg; L'Actualité, Montréal; Saturday Night, Toronto; The Washington Post, Washington DC; New York Times, New York; The Village Voice, New York; The Globe & Mail, Toronto; The Ottawa Citizen, Ottawa; Review: Latin American Literature & Arts, New York; Destinations, Toronto; La Nación, Buenos Aires; Revista de Occidente, Madrid; Commonweal, New York; Elle, New York; The Bookseller, London; Geist, Vancouver; Books in Canada, Toronto; Brick, Toronto; Quill & Quire, Toronto; Toronto Life, Toronto; Now, Toronto; T.O., Toronto; Impulse, Toronto; Descant, Toronto; Exile, Toronto; What, Toronto; Rubicon, Montreal; Radio Guide, Toronto; Imperial Oil Magazine, Toronto; Maclean's, Toronto; Ethos, Toronto; The Whig Standard, Kingston; The Sydney Morning Herald, Sydney; The Age, Melbourne; Art Monthly, Melbourne; Heat, Melbourne… etc etc.